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Faculty Development Programme

It is an accepted fact that the institutions engaged in different activities can play vital role in the socio- economic transformation by way of inculcating entrepreneurial values at grass root. For effective introduction of entrepreneurship as a course for conducting ED activities it is essential to develop human resources. This will help in effectively imparting entrepreneurial values amongst participants. The main objectives of the programmes are :-
* Creating awareness amongst the participants regarding need and importance of entrepreneurship to alleviate mass unemployment.
* Developing training skills of the participants in the area of entrepreneurship and small business management.
* Helping participants to plan effective and excellent strategies to develop systematic approach for providing adequate inputs to the students to select entrepreneurship as a career choice.
* To equip participants with requisite skills, knowledge and competencies encompassing attitudes for effective initiation of Entrepreneurship Awareness Programmes, Entrepreneurship Orientation Programmes and Motivational Camps in their working areas.

Vocational Training programme:
Sansthan is Organising Vocational training Programmes under Rajasthan Mission on Livelihood (RMOoL) in Dungarpur District
Detail's are given below
Skill Upgradation Programmes
Skill upgradation programmes are organised on behalf of District industries Centre Dungarpur
An Entreneurial Orientation Programme was organised for beneficiaries of Khadi and VillageI industries Board at Dungarpur

Livelihood Promotion Resource Centre
Worked for Urban Poor for promotion of livelihood activities provided support in economic development actiovities. The project was sponsored by WORLD VISION

CONSULTANCY / EXTENSION SERVICES: Besides the programmes conducted under STED project various consultancy / extension and other services were also provided to potential beneficiaries to facilitate them for setting up a micro enterprises. These were provided on regular basis as regular activity of project.

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