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Micro Enterprise Development

R.K. Sansthan is engaged in promoting Micro-enterprises under Science & Technology Entrepreneurship Development STED) Project under STED Project Scheme of NSTEDB, Department of Science & Technology, Government of India. At present The Project is running in Dausa and Dungarpur districts of Rajasthan and recently completed in Sawaimadhopur.
Project objectives:
The main objective of the proposed project is to promote entrepreneurship among rural and urban population in the Dungarpur using various developmental activities and tools. For the propose this project would enable to created 200 sustainable micro enterprises within the project span of four years.

Services Offered under the Project:

1. Potential survey and identification of potential business opportunities for growth.
2. Identification and selection of potential entrepreneurs to enable them to set up their own micro –enterprises.
3. Providing training and counseling to enhance their motivational level.
4. Matching the potential entrepreneur with potential opportunities through appropriate technology linkage.
5. Prepare business plans of selected opportunities to help the entrepreneur.
6. Providing linkage for credit support from banks / financial institutions.
7. Conduction skill development programmes.
8. Providing support to entrepreneurs in selection of machinery, Project
implementation, and market linkages etc.

9. Ensuring continuous monitoring to ensure timely, effective and successful implementation of the projects.
10. Technical and market support to the projects to established as per their need.
11. Documentation and period reporting.
12. Introducing strategic changes in project implementation bases on the learning derived.

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