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Profile of R.K Sansthan

R.K. Sansthan was registered and established in the July 27th 1982 at Jaipur, capital of Rajasthan and is working since then in the direction of achieving its established objectives. The Organisation is registered under Societies Registration Act 1958 FCRA 1976 and 12 A and 80g of Income Tax Act 1961. Sansthan is operating its activities through its Head Office 3/166, Housing Board Colony, Sawaimadhopur-322001 (Raj.) : 07462- 235341

Thrust areas

1.Entrepreneurship Development

RK Sansthan organizes structured and specific entrepreneurship development Programmes of value and substance for the first generation potential entrepreneurs. Identification of the right candidates are done through administration of validated behavioral tests and interviewing methods before selection. The programmes consists of Management Inputs, Technical Inputs, Opportunity Guidance, Surveys, Knowledge of Laws, Government Schemes, Motivational Inputs, Personality Development, Experience Sharing, Project Report Preparation and Feasibility Appraisal, Knowledge and procedures of Financing Institutions and experience in Market Survey and Marketing Management. The focus is on concerted and coordinated approach. The participants are provided with opportunity of interacting with the faculty and guests on one to one basis and participate in group discussions. Efforts are made to use latest technology in teaching by way of use of computers, LCD projectors, AV system, material download from internet etc. The completion of class room phase ushers the most challenging involvement of the trainers / motivators who then work on one –to-one basis with the candidates for the ultimate goal of successful launching of their enterprises.

Activities :
For Potential Entrepreneurs -
*Entrepreneurship Development Programme for general categories.
*Rural Entrepreneurship Development Programmes
*Technology Based Entrepreneurship Development Programmes
*Special Entrepreneurship Development Programmes (For Women SC and ST, Minorities and Backward Classes,Technocrats,Ex-servicemen, etc.)
*Micro-Enterprises Development under STED Project Scheme of DST, Govt. of India
Entrepreneurial Activities -
*Small Industry Management Assistants Programmes
* Performance Improvement and Growth programmes for existing entrepreneur
*Identification of Business Opportunities
* Preparation of Project profile
* Industrial Project Preparation and Appraisal
* Management Appreciation Programme for artisans
* Skill and Technology Upgradtion Programme.
For Others -
* Faculty Development Programmes * Entrepreneurship Education Programmes *Entrepreneurship Development Orientation Programmes for Support


Present education system neither assures the job opportunities nor motivating for self-employment. By considering this present macabre scenario of educational system organization has developed new concept of Enterprise Development Education. EDE is mean to provide education with enterprising skill and purpose by which the target group to take initiative in micro-enterprise development and income generating activities, since Govt. jobs are no more available in the near future. EDE will be supported by skill development and entrepreneurship development training. Until unless enterprise development education introduced in the societies, job opportunities will be doomed. The objective of the organization is to provide more business opportunities to the all walk of life apart from the Govt. job.

3 Environment

Sansthan is also engaged in environmental activities with Ministry of environment. Awareness camp on solid waste management also conducted in rural areas . Seminars, poster rallies, e balance between ecological awareness camps, and workshops to be conducted in rural areas. To maintain th system and human being, eco friendly and sustainable preservation of forest reserve will be on the higher priority in forthcoming agenda.

4. Health

Organisation’s initiatives in health sector are also remarkable. The organization conducted camps, especially for ENT patient with the association of Jain ENT Hospital, Jaipur. Patients were provided free check-up, consultation and free distribution of medicines. Organisation going ahead by providing vaccination, free preliminary and first aid treatment to rural community .

5. Water & Sanitation

Standards of public hygiene and measure to promote and preserve public health especially through drainage and sewage disposal, organization is conducting awareness camps among communities. Organisation’s planning to develop a role model village in water harvesting and preservation going to take a shape in future. An integrated plan is being made to promote water and sanitation activities.

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